
fake chocolate,
mock objects and
test spies for AS3

Preparing and Creating a Little Bit Easier

Mockolate provides both a FlexUnit Rule and a FlexUnit runner that can prepare and create nice and strict Mockolate instances based on metadata. Any public instance variable marked with [Mock] metadata will be prepared, and injected. Using the MockolateRule or MockolateRunner will take care of the asynchronous prepare step and will wait until the classes are prepared before running your tests.

NOTE variables marked with [Mock] MUST be public

There are two options that may be given to [Mock].

  • use [Mock(type="nice")] to create a nice Mockolate (default).
  • use [Mock(type="strict")] to create a strict Mockolate.
  • use [Mock(type="partial")] to create a partial Mockolate.
  • use [Mock(inject="true")] to inject the instance into the variable (default).
  • use [Mock(inject="false")] to prepare only, and not create a Mockolate.

There is one option that can be set per [Test]

  • set [Test(verify="false")] to disable the automatic verification of all Mockolates for that test.

By default a nice Mockolate is created and injected.

Using the MockolateRule for FlexUnit 4.1+

public class ExampleWithRule
    public var mocks:MockolateRule = new MockolateRule();
    public var strictlyThanks:Example;
    public var prepareButDontCreate:Example;

Using the MockolateRunner for FlexUnit 4

// import and reference the runner to ensure it is compiled in.
import mockolate.runner.MockolateRunner; 

public class ExampleWithRunner
    public var nicelyPlease:Example;
    public var strictlyThanks:Example;
    public var prepareButDontCreate:Example;

next stubbing and mocking